old adj. (-er; -est; 表示兄弟姊妹关系时用 elder; eldest)。 1.老,上了年纪的,年老的 (opp. young); 衰老的,老迈的;老成的;老练的;熟练的。 2.…岁的;…久的。 3.古时的,古代的 (opp. modern); 古老的,积年的,陈年的,多年来的,旧交的;熟悉的。 4.(opp. new) 过去的,过时的;旧的;破旧的;用旧了的;旧式的,陈腐的。 5.〔口语〕亲爱的,亲密的。 6.〔口语〕极好的〔通常用以加强其他形容词语气〕。 grow [get] old 老起来,上年纪。 How old is he 他多大岁数? He is eighteen years old. 他十八岁。 old in diplomacy 擅长外交。 an old bachelor 老独身汉。 old gaolbird 老囚犯;惯犯。 an old offender 惯犯。 an old friend 老朋友。 an old Oxonian 牛津大学的老校友。 old fashions 旧式。 old iron 废铁。 old jokes 陈腐的俏皮话。 old wine 陈年老酒。 the old country [home] 故乡。 the old thing (老)家伙。 I had a fine old time.〔口语〕过得非常愉快。 an old head on young shoulders 少年老成。 any old thing 〔俚语〕随便什么(东西)。 for an old song 非常便宜地。 for old sake's sake 因老交情。 in old time 在从前。 never too old to learn 活到老学到老;学无止境。 of old standing 多年的,由来已久的。 as old as the hill 很老。 old familiar faces 老相识(的人们)。 O- Lady of Threadneedle Street 〔英国〕 Bank of England 的别名。 old man of the sea 死缠着不走的人。 old ten in the hundred 高利贷。 the good old times (老人们所怀念的)过去。 the old gentleman =the old one 〔口语〕老头儿,父亲。 the old year 去年,就要过去的一年。 n. 1.古时,往时。 2.…岁的人[动物]。 3.[集合词]老年的人们;〔the old〕古物;令人怀念的往事[风俗(等)]。 the men of old 古代的人们。 four-year-olds 四岁的马。 as of old 仍旧,照旧。 from of old 自昔,早就。 in days of old 从前,以前。 of old 从前的,往时的;从前是,(老早)以前是;自古,从老早以前。 old and young=young and old 无论老少。
Analysis of the quality of life of the oldest old 高龄老人生活质量的分析
Gender analysis of widowhood and remarriage among oldest old in china 中国高龄老人丧偶和再婚的性别分析
My eight year old old english sheepdog has been wonderful with my children ( who are now 7 and 2 ) 我家养的8岁古牧和我的孩子们(一个7岁一个2岁)生活得很好。
The number and the proportion increasing of the oldest old aged 80 + is a feature of chinese population in the 21st century 高龄老人比例和数量的快速增长是21世纪中国人口老龄化的主要特征之一。
How to meet the need of the oldest old aged 80 + will be the focus of government work and will also be the hot issue to be considered for the whole society 高龄老人怎样才能获得充足的照料成为老龄工作的重点和难点,也成为政府部门和全社会广泛关注的焦点。
The dormitory building that is your school certainly then is too old old , or else is project of bean curd broken bits like that , the labor contractor is jerry when construction be caused by 那一定是你们学校的宿舍楼太老旧了,再不然就是豆腐渣工程,包工头在施工时偷工减料所致。
Therefore , there will be a shortage of resource regarding the family support for elderly . as a result , the conflict is that the oldest old aged 80 + is increasing and the caring proportion is decreasing 由此可见,一方面高龄老人对照料的需求在增加,而另一方面家庭照料资源却在减少,这个矛盾使高龄老人的照料问题面临严峻的挑战。
Down the road a few miles , in the step - back - in - time village of grafton , where the nationally known 205 - year - old old tavern is overflowing with leaf peepers , cheese makers are already at work at the grafton village cheese co 顺着路再几英里,就在充满古意的格拉夫顿村中,全美知名、拥有两百零五年历史的老客栈旅馆里挤满了赏叶游客,而格拉夫顿村乳酪公司的乳酪师傅早就上工了。
I to study english to dare the interest very much , therefore his class i all very much likes one to on , attends class when him also can say the spot smiles the speech , he smiles looks like a child very much , very lovable ; but is angry time looked he looks like 80 year - old old man 我对学习英语很敢兴趣,所以一到上他的课我都很喜欢,在他上课时还会说点笑的话,他笑起来很象一个小孩,很可爱的;不过生气的时候看起他来象个80岁的老头。
Part one : the present condition of chinese oldest old aged 80 + part two : the analysis on the oldest old aged 80 + health condition , their activities of daily living abilities and the old people diseases part three : the analysis of the composition of the oldest old aged 80 + caring resources part four : advice and strategies 第二部分:高龄老人的健康状况、基本生活自理能力和患病状况分析。第三部分:分析高龄老人的照料资源。第四部分:对策及建议。
old oldとは意味:後期高齢者{こうき こうれいしゃ}◆75~84歳の老人◆【参考】young old ; oldest old -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名?形} : <→OLD-OLD>